The Difference Between Tree Pruning and Tree Lopping

Tree lopping is an unregulated process of cutting trees with little consideration for the health or structure of the plant. Tree lopping is typically used to reduce the overall size of a tree’s canopy or crown for aesthetic reasons. While this may have a short-term positive effect on a property’s visual appeal, it can cause long-term damage and potentially result in the death of the tree or trees.

During the process of tree lopping, inexperienced landscapers cut away large sections of the tree’s branches and limbs. This can significantly impact a tree’s ability to create energy and promote growth. The lack of branch and leaf cover also limits the tree’s access to sunlight, ultimately leaving it in a state of shock that hinders re-growth and health.

The term ‘lopping’ is often misunderstood and can be used to describe both tree pruning and the more extensive practice of cutting trees into a specific shape. This can lead to many misconceptions about this type of work and the benefits that it can offer a property. In actual fact, there are several significant differences between tree pruning and the process of tree lopping.

Proper pruning of a tree involves carefully removing a small number of branches from the structure of the plant to shape and train it to grow in a certain direction. While this is typically done for aesthetic purposes, it can also reduce the risk of potential damage to a property or nearby structures during storms and strong winds.

A common mistake that people make when pruning is covering pruning cuts with paint, which is generally bitumen based and can be harmful to living cells in the tree. This can also predispose a tree to disease and pest invasion by preventing the formation of natural wound closures.

When a tree is lopped, it becomes vulnerable to disease and pest infestation due to the open wounds left behind. In addition, lopped trees tend to produce poorly attached branches and parts that are more likely to break or fall off in the future during strong winds, leaving people at risk of injury.

Another important difference between a professional pruning service and tree lopping is that an arborist will always consider the long-term effects of their work on the plant. A qualified arborist will have a thorough understanding of the environment and requirements of the plants that they are working on and will only remove areas of the plant that are dead or posing a risk to a home, business or vehicle.